21st Century Learning Design | Bricks Learning
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21st Century Learning Design

Bricks Learning Australia 21st Century Learning 21CLD Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth VIC NSW SA WA Australia New Zealand

About the 21st Century Learning Design course

The 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) framework provides educators with a unique opportunity to build their capacity as teachers by reflecting on their teaching practice and engaging in professional dialogue about how to best support learners in the 21st Century.

The purpose of the course is to provide clarity on how 21st Century skills can be defined, measured and evaluated in the design of learning activities. There is an emphasis on taking theory into practice by using evidence from global research and applying the individual classroom context.  The relationship between contemporary pedagogy and technology is also explored, with opportunity to develop new skills and be exposed to best practice examples.  All participants will be provided with course materials and a collaborative platform to support them during the workshops and beyond.

Bricks Learning Australia 21st Century Learning 21CLD Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth VIC NSW SA WA Australia New Zealand


  • Creating a compelling case for 21CLD
  • Collaboration
  • Knowledge building
  • Self-regulation
  • Real-world problem-solving and innovation

  • ICT For learning
  • Skilful communication
  • 21CLD and curriculum frameworks
  • Coding and redesigning your own unit plans

Bricks Learning Australia 21st Century Learning 21CLD Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth VIC NSW SA WA Australia New Zealand


Educators will walk away with the knowledge and skills of how to design learning to support the development of 21st Century skills along with how technology can be meaningfully incorporated into lesson design. Each educator will re-design a current learning activity to create a blueprint of best practice. The course will be tailored to each technology program including both software, device and cloud platform. Participants will be provided with a shared OneNote Notebook resource with relevant readings, resources and collaborative activities to support capacity building in the workshops and beyond.

Bricks Learning Australia 21st Century Learning 21CLD Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth VIC NSW SA WA Australia New Zealand

Research Article

21st Century Learning Design: A Model of Professional Learning

We live in a globalised world which is changing at a rapid pace and is increasingly characterised by environmental and economic uncertainty. To be successful in work and life beyond school, students need a set of cross-functional capabilities that will enable them to adapt to the changing society in which they live. The present research examines the relationship between the 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) program as a model for professional learning and its impact on innovative teaching practice. Six participating registered teachers in Victoria and Western Australia undertook a survey pertaining to the frequency of innovative teaching practice, the way in which they design learning activities, and their experiences of undertaking the professional learning (21CLD). Read the full research here.

Bricks Learning Australia 21st Century Learning 21CLD Melbourne Sydney Adelaide Perth VIC NSW SA WA Australia New Zealand


Read what schools say about our 21st Century Learning Design course.

Enquire about how to design 21st Century learning environments at your school today.